Modified Burn ban in effect as of Sept 20th, 2024. Recreational fires ONLY. No Burn Piles.

Emergency Preparedness

Create disaster supply kits

Individuals and families need to prepare to be self-sufficient for a minimum 72 hours, but best for 7 days. Following a disaster, basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment, telephones and transportation routes may be cut off for days, weeks or even longer. A key element of personal preparedness is the creation of a disaster supplies kit.

Keep the items you will most likely need during an evacuation in an easy-to-carry container such as a large covered trash container, camping backpack or duffel bag.
  • Water
    • At least 1 gallon daily per person for 3 to 7 days
  • Food
    • At least enough for 3 to 7 days. Non-perishable packaged or canned food / juices, foods for infants or the elderly, snack foods, non-electric can opener, cooking utensils / fuel, paper plates, plastic utensils
  • Blankets / Pillows
    • Other bedding items
  • Clothing
    • Seasonal, rain gear, sturdy shoes
  • Medical supplies
    • First aid kit, medicines, prescription drugs, extra glasses
  • Special Items
    • For infants and the elderly
  • Toiletries
    • Hygiene items
    • Moisture wipes
  • Flashlight
    • Extra batteries
  • Radio
    • Battery-operated and NOAA weather radio
  • Cash
    • Banks and ATMs may not be open or available for extended periods.
  • Important documents
    • Insurance, medical records, bank account numbers, social security card, other, in a waterproof container
  • Tools
    • Keep a set with you
  • Pet care items
    • Proper identification, immunization records, ample supply of food and water, a carrier or cage, medications, muzzle and leash
  • Keys
  • Toys, books and games
  • Vehicle fuel tanks filled
At home

The disaster supply kit should contain essential food, water and supplies for at least three days. Keep the kit in a designated place and have it ready in case you have to leave your home quickly. Make sure all family members know where the kit is kept. Additionally, consider having supplies for sheltering for up to two weeks.

At work

The kit should be in one container and ready to “grab and go” in case you are evacuated from your workplace. Make sure you have food and water in the kit. Also, be sure to have comfortable walking shoes at your workplace in case an evacuation requires walking long distances. Office and personal kit supplies checklist

In the car

In case you are stranded, keep a kit of emergency supplies in your car. This kit should contain food, water, first aid supplies, flares, jumper cables and seasonal supplies. Car kit checklist