Board Of commissioners

Bob Cernick

Jeff Myers

Justin Zipperer

Position #1
Bob Cernick
First Elected: 01/01/1996
Current Term Ends: 12/31/26

Position #2 Chairman
Jeff Myers
First Elected: 01/01/2024
Term Expires 12/31/2029
Commissioner Myers believes in a culture of people first in service and protection. This means the decisions made by your elected fire commissioners should reflect what is best for the citizens we serve; this also means supporting, valuing, and empowering our district personnel to provide the best fire and emergency medical services possible to you- every single day.
Commissioner Myers and his wife Monica live in a small log cabin built in Sky Meadows Ranch in 1976. Living inside of a forest perched on the side of the South Cle Elum Ridge, they have a first-hand understanding of the wildfire risk and the rapid growth we have we all experienced in Upper County.
The decisions made today must reflect people first in service, transparency and accountability, with an robust strategic plan to guide the Fire District today and years to come.
This people first commitment is based on Commissioner Myers’ 34-year career as a Washington Peace Officer with the last 16-years as the chief of police. While chief of police, he also served on the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission for 13-years, with the last ten as the Chair, working to improve law enforcement training and accountability across the state. Commissioner Myers was a 24-year member of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs and supported the state Accreditation of law enforcement agencies. Over several sessions, he testified in the Washington Legislature as a public safety subject matter expert on behalf of the Association of Washington Cities. Since retirement, Commissioner Myers has worked as a part-time law enforcement consultant for several state agencies.
Monica is a proud firefighter retiree who was the first female firefighter in the history of her fire department; she currently volunteers with the American Red Cross as the free smoke alarm program coordinator in Upper County. Their oldest son is a small business owner; and their youngest son is a Deputy Sheriff for Kittitas County. Jeff and Monica enjoy camping, snowmobiling, volunteerism, and spending time with their three granddaughters.
Phone Number:(509)656-6094

Position #3 Vice-Chair
Justin Zipperer
First Elected: 1/1/2022
Current Term Ends: 12/31/2028
Commissioner Zipperer brings to Fire District 7 over 23 years of experience in the fire service and has been involved in emergency operations as a Lieutenant Firefighter/ Paramedic. He brings extensive knowledge to the district from training and knowledge of structural and wildland firefighting, paramedic services, technical rescue, and truck operations. Commissioner Zipperer was elected in November 2021 as Commissioner for Fire District 7. Commissioner Zipperer values working together to ensure proactive and responsive leadership and making fact-based decisions for efficient and effective outcomes. Justin’s priorities are volunteer and career firefighter retention, hiring more full-time firefighters, improving department training, ensuring fiscal accountability, collaboration and planning with Upper County fire departments/Medic One to decrease response times and improve the service citizens and visitors receive. He also understands the need to update equipment and apparatus to fulfill the current and future needs of the community.
Commissioner Zipperer resides in the Nelson Siding area with his wife, Stephanie, and their four kids.
Commissioner meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month @6:00 pm.
Meetings can be attended in person @ Station 72 on Airport Road
If you would like to make a public comment, please attend the next scheduled meeting. The public is encouraged to attend meetings to stay up to date with what is going on within the district.
The Kittitas County Fire District #7 Board of Fire Commissioners, consisting of three elected individuals, is responsible for governing the operations of the District. The board is generally responsible for the following areas:
- Determining levels of service and establishing goals.
- Determining type and level of funding, approve budgets, and tax levies.
- Establishing policies and approving operational procedures.
- Employing key personnel, supervising chief.
- Guiding strategic planning.
- Representing District to public
It is important to note that individual fire commissioners have no individual authority to operate a fire protection district. Instead, individual commissioners have the following responsibilities:
- Attend meetings of the board of commissioners.
- Educate themselves to understand the history of our District, the laws governing the operation of the District and the individual’s role in governing the District.
- Actively participate in the governance of the District by working with the board of commissioners in open public meetings.
- Understand and comply with all ethics laws.
- Act as a representative of your District with a professional demeanor.
- Avoid any attempts to unilaterally direct staff members or micromanage the staff. The board of commissioners runs the District through the Chief together, individual commissioners do not, and should not, attempt to run the District.
- Represent all constituents and avoid special interests. Maintain confidentiality of privileged or private District records and information
There are several ways to contact an individual Fire Commissioner to share your thoughts, and opinions or to simply ask questions. One, send an email to an individual commissioner, as listed on the web page and he or she will be sure other commissioners or staff are aware of your topic. You can call an individual commissioner and share your thoughts but please remember, an individual fire commissioner has no authority to operate any portion of the fire district; staff, facilities, equipment, or operational procedures in the field. With that said, know your thoughts and concerns will be taken into consideration and will be forwarded to the board or administrative staff for review.
All the members of the Fire District #7 board have other work commitments outside the duties of being a fire commissioner. If you want to meet with an individual commissioner, please find their email information on the website and contact them directly. If you just want to meet with a commissioner at-large, send an email to the current Board Chairman and they will make sure that you get a response. Please know that with Covid-19 regulations or suggested guidelines, these meetings may be by phone or virtual based.
Meeting schedule
- January 9th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- February 13th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- March 13th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- April 10th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- May 8th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- June 12th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- July 10th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- August 14th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- September 11th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- October 9th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- November 13th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
- December 11th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
The meeting schedule is updated regularly to reflect any meeting date, time, or special meeting changes
The three-member Board of Fire Commissioners is governed by Chapter 52.14 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) which sets the number, qualifications, and compensation for the Board of Fire Commissioners.
The rule states: “The affairs of the district shall be managed by a board of fire commissioners composed of three registered voters residing in the district except as provided in RCW 52.14.015 and 52.14.020.”
The rule also details the rate of compensation for the board. Earnings cannot exceed a set amount each year. As of 2019, the yearly allowance for earnings is twelve thousand two hundred and eighty-eight dollars per year. Board compensation is for time spent in actual attendance at official meetings of the board or in performance of other services or duties on behalf of the fire district.
The Chair of the board for Kittitas County Fire District 7 assigns meeting attendance for the commissioners each year.
Commissioner’s terms are set forth in RCW 52.14.060 for a period of six years. Elections are held with the county auditor opening up a special filing period. The person who receives the greatest number of votes is elected to that position and takes the official oath of office at the first board meeting in January. The fire commissioners elect a chair from their members each year as provided in RCW 52.14.080.
The board holds regular meetings once per month. The regular meeting schedule for the board for Kittitas County Fire District 7 is the second Wednesday of every month @ 6:00 pm. All of the meetings follow the open public meeting requirements. Special meetings may be scheduled.